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Venus Legacy

Non-invasive Cutting-edge Solution for Skin Tightening

Contour and trim your body while losing fat.

Acquire the body you’ve always desired with Venus Legacy which provides safe and efficient treatments that smooth cellulite, tighten loose skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the face and body, and slim the body with no downtime or pain!

What is Venus Legacy?

The strongest device to treat cellulite, loose skin, and stretch marks.

Your body begins to produce less collagen and store more fat as you age, which inevitably results in wrinkles, cellulite, and other aging signs. The Venus Legacy device uses heat to help the body’s own collagen production so that cellulite, sagging skin, and wrinkles on the face and body can be reduced. The device has received FDA approval for the treatment of facial wrinkles. Numerous different clinical trials involving this procedure have been carried out by academics and trained medical professionals.

How Does it Work?

  • Generate heat beneath the skin’s surface in order to achieve skin tightening
  • The deep skin penetration ensures exponentially improved clinical effectiveness and produces clearly visible results that other therapies cannot reach
  • In addition to naturally increasing collagen and elastin fibers, this process also reduces the size of fat cells
  • In a series of comfortable and enjoyable Venus Legacy treatments, you can have a smoother, firmer, and slimmer figure.

Venus Legacy uses a patented technology that combines both Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF) and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (MP)². This technology uses a dense energy matrix which penetrates multiple layers of skin, heating uniformly from the inside out. By increasing tissue temperature, FGF-2 hormone activity is enhanced, and triglycerides located in the fat cells are broken down and fatty acids freed from the fat cells. In this way, volume can be reduced (producing circumferential reduction).

The blood flow in the treated area is improved, enhancing the skinʼs tone and texture. Vitamins, minerals and oxygen are carried more easily to the cells, and toxins and waste materials are removed. Skin tightening is another result of the Venus Legacy treatment, as tiny new blood vessels are formed in the treatment areas and dermal fibroblasts are created; fibroblasts then increase the number of collagen and elastin fibers. New collagen and elastin creation results in tighter skin and filling in of wrinkles/wrinkle reduction.

Venus Legacy's technology uses a dense energy matrix which penetrates multiple layers of skin, heating uniformly from the inside out.

By increasing tissue temperature, FGF-2 hormone activity is enhanced, and triglycerides located in the fat cells are broken down and fatty acids freed from the fat cells. In this way, volume can be reduced (producing circumferential reduction). The blood flow in the treated area is improved, enhancing the skinʼs tone and texture.

  • Face: six sessions

  • Body: ten sessions

  • Neck: eight sessions

Why Choose Venus Legacy?

With Venus Legacy you won’t have to wait a long time to see results, unlike with many procedures. After their first treatment, most patients start to see results. Because the procedure increases blood flow and nutrient delivery to your cells, it slows down the aging process.

Venus Legacy is a top choice for patients who are looking for the following characteristics:

  • Safety and effectiveness for all skin tones, including those with darker complexions
  • Comfort in a treatment that is unwinding and effective
  • No Downtime; you can resume regular activities directly after treatment.

Are you a good Candidate for the Venus Legacy Treatment?

The ideal candidate is someone who does not want surgery but has pockets of cellulite and/or excess body fat that they cannot lose through diet and exercise alone. Additionally, someone who is beginning to lose skin elasticity and is displaying early signs of sagging and wrinkles is a suitable candidate.

You might not be eligible for this treatment due to safety concerns if you have/are:
  • Infection or active inflammation in the treatment area

  • Cancer, either now or in the past

  • A heat-stimulated disease in the treatment area, such as herpes, or a degenerative neurological condition

  • A pacemaker/internal defibrillator

  • Metal implants in the treatment area, excluding dental implants

  • Thyroid gland disorder that is uncontrolled

  • Dilated veins

  • Pregnant or undergoing IVF treatment

  • Autoimmune conditions that affect the skin

  • Silicone injections or implants in the region

Venus Legacy

FAQs &

Can this treatment be done on dark skin tones?

Yes. Venus Legacy RF skin-tightening is safe for all skin tones.

How long does the session take?

Depending on the patient, the exact length of treatment may vary, but a single session usually lasts no more than 30 minutes.

How far apart should the sessions be?

One session per week is how the treatment is done

How should I prepare for the treatment?

Be sure to keep your skin clean. Apply no creams, lotions, or makeup prior to your treatment. Remove all jewelry from the treatment area.

How does the treatment happen?

The applicator will gradually warm up until your skin reaches the required temperature and maintains it. However, if you think it's too hot, just tell the operator, and they will be able to quickly lower the temperature. As the applicator moves around the area if the technician is utilizing the VariPulseTM feature, you may also feel a light suction, like a very weak vacuum, on your skin. If necessary, this can also be decreased.

Is the procedure painful?

The Venus Legacy procedures are not painful. The practitioner can easily customize the heat and suction levels to your preferences.

What will my post-treatment state be?

You will feel at ease. Some patients have even dozed off during treatment because it is comfortable. You may have some temporary redness in the area, which usually resolves within an hour. You will want to be active after the procedure as the triglycerides are being released, as to not have them reabsorb back into the fat cell. You donʼt necessarily need to exercise, as even mild movement will do.

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