What Is Ultherapy?
A non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to tighten the skin of the face and neck.
If you’re seeking a natural, non-invasive procedure that boosts your body’s organic potential, Ultherapy is your finest pick, because it works on stimulating your body’s natural collagen and elastin production to give you a natural, more youthful look with no downtime or surgery. In fact, Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared technology to lift your skin and improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the decolletage.
What Makes Ultherapy More Effective For You
Ultherapy generates heating energy to create new collagen for firming and toning results.
It works by utilizing micro-focused ultrasound to stimulate layers within your skin. By generating a thermal effect, this process starts your body's natural ability to create new collagen. Unlike lasers, radiofrequency and surgery, Ultherapy bypasses the surface of your skin with focused imaging to target just the right amount at the right depths and the right temperature for optimal precision.
Minimally invasive.
No downtime.
Your treatment is personalized
The collagen creator
Long-lasting for 1 year or more
Visible results
Reduces your discomfort
Are you a Good Candidate for Ultherapy?
Yes. If you are part of the majority of women and men who want to tighten and lift the skin on their face and neck using non-invasive procedures.
Growing older is a privilege, but we all know that collagen deteriorates with age, causing a loss of elasticity and strength in the skin. The ageing process may leave you wanting a younger-looking skin. A good Ultherapy candidate has mild to moderate skin laxity where the skin begins to look less firm or tight. Examples include a lowered brow, loose skin on the neck, sagging under the chin, and lines or wrinkles on the chest.
Ultherapy can result in a gradual, natural looking lift, leaving you looking refreshed.
Ultherapy stimulates the growth of new collagen through the use of tested ultrasound technology.
An expert panel of doctors has determined that Ultherapy is the gold standard for nonsurgical skin lifting based on how it functions, clinical outcomes, and patient satisfaction. If doctors trust it, so can you!
The Ultherapy treatment makes it easy for medical professionals to see the tissue layers they are treating, which guarantees that the treatment is administered where it will be most helpful.
FAQs &
1. How safe is Ultherapy?
Ultherapy is a tested and proven procedure with a solid safety record. It is currently marketed worldwide in more than 75 countries, with over 1.5 million treatments performed globally to date. Additionally, ultrasound energy has a history of success with more than 50 years of use in the medical industry.
2. What is the importance of collagen? And how does Ultherapy promote its production?
Collagen is a natural protein that keeps the skin toned and firm, giving it its youthful appearance. Skin strength and elasticity are lost as a result of collagen breakdown as we age. Ultherapy creates a thermal effect beneath the skin by using micro-focused ultrasound. The thermal effect essentially kickstarts your body's natural collagen-producing process.
3. What distinguishes Ultherapy from other cosmetic treatments?
Ultherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that stimulates the growth of new collagen beneath the skin's surface using ultrasound technology. There is no recovery time after the procedure, which can take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the area treated. In addition, it is the only non-invasive procedure that employs ultrasound imaging, allowing medical professionals to actually see the tissue layers being treated and ensuring that the energy is applied precisely where it will be most helpful.
4. Could Ultherapy replace a facelift?
Ultherapy addresses the deep foundational layer that cosmetic surgery addresses, but it cannot replace a surgical facelift. However, Ultherapy is a fantastic alternative, especially for those who aren't eligibile candidates for surgery.
5. Who is a good Ultherapy candidate?
A person who exhibits some degree of looseness, to the point where they appear and frequently feel less firm, is a good candidate for Ultherapy. A patient may be a candidate if they have loose skin under their chin and neck, or if they have lines and wrinkles on their chest. People with mild to moderate skin laxity in their 30s and older are typically candidates. Although Ultherapy cannot take the place of a surgical facelift, many people who desire facial lifting but are not prepared for surgery—either financially, physically, or mentally—can still benefit from it. Additionally, there are patients who want an option for aesthetic maintenance and younger people who want to "stay ahead of the game."
6. How many sessions are required?
The majority of patients only require one treatment; however, depending on the degree of skin laxity they have and their body's biological reaction to the ultrasound and the collagen-building process, some patients may benefit from more than one treatment. Ultherapy follow-up sessions once a year could aid in maintaining results.
7. Are there any side effects to the Ultherapy treatment?
After the treatment, you might experience some redness, but this usually goes away within a few hours. In some cases, mild and transient symptoms might occur such as tingling, swelling, or tenderness.
8. Is there a time off needed after treatment?
Ultherapy doesn't require any recovery time. Following the procedure, you are not required to take any post-treatment precautions and can immediately return to your regular activities.
9. How does the Ultherapy procedure feel?
You may experience tiny energy deposits at specific depths as the ultrasound energy is applied, stimulating the collagen-building process. While the sensation only lasts while the ultrasound energy is being delivered, comfort levels vary from person to person.
10. What distinguishes Ultherapy from laser treatments?
Ultherapy uses ultrasound, a tested and proven form of sound energy that enables it to treat skin depths that are unmatched by any other non-invasive cosmetic procedure. A clinically significant lift of tissue occurs over the course of two to three months as a result of Ultherapy’s ultrasound stimulation of collagen production in the skin's foundation. Some lasers use light energy, which can't penetrate deeper layers of skin. The FDA has not approved laser treatments to lift skin; they typically only treat superficial skin.
11. For how long does the effect of Ultherapy last?
The procedure stimulates a person's own collagen production, so the duration of the results varies from one person to another. Results can last for a year or longer. The procedure creates new collagen on the inside, but how long that remains visible on the outside will depend on how quickly the person is naturally aging. Future touch-up procedures could give people more control over their individual aging processes.