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You Have Done Your Research On Breast Beautification

You've probably already heard of the renowned Motiva breast implants if you're thinking about getting breast augmentation. You may have also researched breast implants. Motiva breast implants, created by Establishment Labs are the smart choice in breast augmentation and have been available on the market for more than ten years. For the perfect breasts you've always wanted, choosing the right implant is essential when planning your breast augmentation surgery.

Motiva breast implants use cutting-edge technologies to provide women with the ideal balance of excellent aesthetics, quality, and durability. Because Motiva breast implants are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and projections to suit the needs of every woman, they are a very popular option among both women and plastic surgeons. It is one of the top breast implant brands thanks to its innovative and scientifically supported implant technology.

Why Choose Motiva Breast Implants?

Because Motiva implants have been reengineered in every way.

Respond to your movements naturally

Minimize filling leakage

Manufactured with state of the art technology

Micro transponder for safety

The extensive warranty program

Choose Your Motiva Breast Implant Shape

Round® for a glamourous look. Ergonomix® for natural body movement.

Motiva Round®

Implants for a glamourous look. They are the most common implant style. They are filled with ProgressiveGel® Plus, a silicone gel that was specifically created to give your breasts the ideal balance of firmness and softness. If you desire perky round breasts with high projection and upper breast pole fullness, the round breast implants are ideal for you.

Motiva implants come in a variety of styles designed with high-end technology and research-based knowledge to ensure your safety and the aesthetic outcomes you can expect. Each type is specifically created to offer personalized features and preferences.

Motiva Ergonomix®

Implants for a natural look. They are designed to mimic the appearance and sensation of natural breast tissue. They can adjust to your body’s movements thanks to their ProgressiveGel Ultima® filling.

Motiva Implant Profiles. What Are They And What Do You Need To Know?

They tell you the measure of your breast projection.

The projection of a breast implant is the distance from the nipple to your chest, due to the presence of the implant. It can impact how upright your breasts will look and how perky they will be after the breast procedure.

Motiva breast implants give you the option of customizing the desired look of your breasts because they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and projections types.

The Motiva Implant Profile Range Has Four Different Types

Mini: Lowest projection

This is the flattest breast implant and doesn’t add much volume. The diameter of the implant is generally 100mm, and the implant is less than 25mm in height.

Demi: Medium-low projection

This profile is quite similar to the Mini profile. However, the implant is narrower, giving it a bit more body than the Mini.

Full: Medium-high projection

This profile is taller and narrower than the Mini and the Demi, making them an appropriate choice for those interested in implants with greater projection.

Corsé: Highest projection

This profile has the maximum projection and is recommended for those who would like to have slightly bigger implants that stand upright.

Ask your plastic surgeon to assist you in selecting an implant that will provide you with the results you want.

How Safe And Innovative Are Motiva Implants?

Manufactured without any foreign substance. Designed to prevent gel fracture and minimize inflammation.

To prevent your implants from later becoming displaced, the external layer is smooth and makes use of a special technology that enables the implants to adhere correctly to the surrounding tissue. Motiva’s surface also results in less inflammation in the surrounding tissue than more heavily textured implants, which means that your breasts will heal properly and there will be less chance of capsular contracture over the course of your lifetime.

Additionally, the smooth surface contributes to a lower risk of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). The barrier layer, which is the internal layer of the shell, is designed to prevent leakage or rupture of the implant filling. The interiors are stuffed with highly cohesive silicone gels that give them the elasticity and firmness of real breasts.

FAQs &

What is the lifespan of Motiva implants?

Breast implant’s lifespan varies greatly from patient to patient. There are many factors that come into play. However, Motiva implants are made of premium medical-grade silicone that has been demonstrated to be incredibly durable, and each implant has a double shell to guard it against rupture.

Do I need to replace my implants?

On average, 10 years after your initial surgery, your implants may need to be replaced. If you experience pain or a change in appearance, consult your surgeon. It is essential that you adhere to the post-operative assessments that your plastic surgeon advises in order to safeguard both your health and the aesthetic outcomes of your new breasts.

Is there a warranty for Motiva implants?

Yes! Motiva provides a very comprehensive warranty program that covers various adverse implant-related events. All implants come with a standard, cost-free warranty program. You also have the choice to sign up for one of the most comprehensive paid programs. The Always Confident Warranty® policy offers you implant replacement if you develop capsular contracture within ten years of having undergone a breast augmentation procedure.

Who is not eligible to receive breast implants?

Breast surgery is not advised for women with these conditions: Any infection that is present throughout their body, existing breast cancer without a mastectomy, premalignant; also known as the advanced fibrocystic disease without a corresponding subcutaneous mastectomy, any disease with a clinical history of impairing wound healing, tissue characteristics that are clinically unfavorable for mammoplasty, if you're either expecting or nursing, any illness or treatment the surgeon determines to carry an unjustifiable risk for surgery.

How long does recovery take after breast surgery?

The recovery process is determined by the specifics of your case and other variables. Your surgeon will choose an appropriate period of recovery. Your breasts may be sore to the touch and swollen for a month or longer after surgery, and your body temperature may be elevated for the first 48 hours after surgery; both will disappear over time. You might experience tightness in the breast area as the skin adjusts to the new breast size. You should avoid any physically demanding activities for at least a couple of weeks, but you should be able to go back to work after a few days.

Can I breastfeed with breast implants?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is no reason for a woman who has implants to stop nursing. However, breastfeeding might be less successful after a breast implant surgery because it may stop or reduce milk production. You can inform your surgeon in advance if you want to be able to breastfeed after your procedure to give you the right advice.

Can breast implants interfere with mammography?

Breast implants may make it more difficult to interpret mammographic images by obscuring or compressing overlying tissue. Prior to any examination, you should always inform the imaging technician about the existence, type, and location of your implants.

What are the safest implants?

Generally, saline and silicone breast implants with a smooth surface are considered to be safer to use and can be applied in both, breast augmentation and reconstruction procedures. Breast implants are regarded as safe as far as they have been placed by a specialist plastic surgeon, and appropriate measures are taken before, during, and after the procedure to ensure good results.

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