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Do you have a tattoo that you no longer want on your body? Did your acne leave a scar?

Some acne scars can be faded through topical skincare, like exfoliation, scar-fading spot treatments, and other procedures that can help reduce scarring. But atrophic scarring, the indented scars that form below the upper layer of skin tissue as a result of severe acne, is harder to treat since it prevents the skin from being able to regenerate tissue correctly, leaving behind uneven texture.

The same applies to tattoo removal. Generally, it works but some tattoos are much harder to remove than others. For example, older tattoos as well as stick-and-poke tattoos are easier to remove than newer ones. Large and colorful tattoos are typically more time-consuming and expensive to remove than smaller, lighter, and less colorful ones.

Thankfully, you do not have to be “trapped” with undesirable ink on your body permanently or have an acne scar that you cannot rid of. With laser technology like IDS Qmax, you will find permanent relief from acne and tattoos you wish to depart from, no matter the size, age, and color.

What is IDS Qmax

The aesthetic laser device IDS Qmax is used for a quick and secure procedure for toning, laser soft peel and genesis, derma pigment and epidermal lesion treatments. It treats even problematic pigmented lesions and intricate tattoo colors with no skin damage.

Through many hand pieces for different usages on the skin, IDS Qmax delivers the desired results in an even and consistent way.

It is the right choice for you.

  • 1

    provides epidermal and dermal pigment lesion removal with high performance and safety

  • 2

    you will have milder and less painful reactions to pigments

  • 3

    Fewer wounds to the surrounding tissues and a quicker recovery

  • 4

    fewer negative impacts such as hypopigmentation, PIH, and others.

Are You a Suitable Candidate for IDS Qmax?

IDS Qmax can effectively treat a wide range of hair and tattoo types, skin types, and colors, making it a versatile and effective treatment option for a broad range of patients.

You should not undergo any laser treatment if you are:

  • Pregnant
  • Nursing
  • Have unhealed wounds
  • Suffering from a sunburn

How Are Treatments Performed via IDS Qmax?

The IDS Qmax offers customizable treatment settings that allow your practitioner to adapt the treatment to the patient's individual needs, ensuring optimal results with minimal discomfort or side effects.

FAQs &

What to Expect During Your Treatment?

Ok, so you’ve decided to go for it. What should you expect?

Your aesthetician will administer local anaesthetic, so you do not feel pain from the treatment. Doing it without can be quite painful. Each treatment itself takes no longer than 5-15 minutes. You will be given eye shields in order to protect your eyes.

At the end of your session, you’ll notice a few things. The skin where your tattoo was treated will be red and will most likely have bumpy raised spots. These will most likely be tender and itchy, but it’s not an open wound. You will, however, need to take good care of the area for the first few days following your treatment.

Aftercare is super important especially for the immediate 24 hours following your treatment where you should keep the affected area bandaged up, keep it far away from any sun, and make sure it’s dry. So, make sure to avoid getting it wet in the shower and avoid any intense exercise to prevent sweating in the area.

How many sessions will it take for me to get rid of my tattoo?

Depending on your tattoo’s size and color, your professional practitioner can give you an estimate on how many sessions your tattoo will need to be fully removed.

Will the tattoo procedure leave a scar?

The good news is that scarring from tattoo removal is extremely rare. In many instances, the skin can even be returned to its original state without leaving any signs of pigmentation or scarring.

Is IDS Qmax suitable for sensitive skin?

Luckily, The IDS Qmax offers customizable treatment settings that allow the practitioner to adapt the treatment to the patient's individual needs, ensuring optimal results with minimal discomfort or side effects to suit all types of skins, including very sensitive ones.

Do I need to take time off after my procedure with IDS Smartrion Q?

IDS Qmax offers very safe and comfortable treatments. Patients can usually get back to their normal activities directly after their procedure is over.

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